Quality Auto Parts Chicago
Complaint 160615 Details

  • Date Occurred: 07/09/2014
  • Reported Damages: $250.00
  • Location: Chicago, IL

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This company is unbelievably awful. They screwed up my order in every imaginably way, then their staff calls me at work, again and again, supposedly to "resolve" the problem. Nearly three months have passed and nothing has been resolved. It is an insane time suck.

Summary to date:

1. On 7/9/12, I ordered an auto side mirror from Quality Auto Parts with electrical connections for "folding option." I was extremely clear in what I needed.

2. On or about 7/12/12, I had several phone conversations with personnel at Quality Auto Parts. I was very clear about the exact options that I needed.

3. On or about 7/13/12, Quality Auto Parts called me and told me that they could not ship the part via expedited shipping as promised. They credited $45 to my account (the amount for expedited shipping).

4. After the part arrived in late-July, I had it installed at a local shop. It did not work. In early August, I went back to the shop and they torn apart the door of my car to troubleshoot. They found that the part sent by Quality Auto Parts did not have the necessary electrical connectors.

5. At about this time, I received a customer service email from Quality Auto Parts. I explained the problem. I received several follow-up calls, but I did not receive a replacement part.

6. On September 12, I received an email from Quality Auto Parts claiming that they had sent a replacement part. I never received it, so in exasperation I filed a dispute with my bank. Then Quality Auto Parts calls me several times and reveals that they sent the part to the shop. (This information was not in the tracking emails that they sent, nor was it available on the web site for the shipping company.)

7. On Saturday, September 22, I spend the morning at my auto shop. The replacement part from Quality Auto Parts has no electrical connections whatsoever. I photograph everything and send photos to Quality Auto Parts by email. I then return the replacement part, using a UPS label that Quality Auto Parts sent me, following the written instructions provided by Quality Auto Parts.

8. On Monday, September 24, 2012, Quality Auto Parts calls me several times at work and emails me repeatedly. Now they say that I returned the replacement part to the wrong address. Apparently, I should not have used their UPS label or followed their written instructions. And, of course, they blame me for the “miscommunication.”

9. So now, 2 ½ months after my ”expedited” order, I have wasted hours upon hours on the phone, writing emails and going to the shop because of Quality Auto Parts. Of course, I have also had to pay my auto shop, as well.

  • Seeking Resolution: Other
  • --

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  • Quality Auto Parts Chicago logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Quality Auto Parts Chicago
  • Complaints Filed: 7
  • Reported Damages: $2,896.00
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