Whether it’s antioxidant supplements or risky juice fasts, it seems there’s a new health food craze every other week. Ads and the media constantly tout the benefits of diet must-haves like vegetable oil and energy bars. But are these foods actually good for your health?

Unfortunately, some of the most popular so-called health foods are actually really bad for you! Many items labelled as healthy or even “all natural” foods are still loaded up with harmful sugars, dangerous fats or artificial processing.

Don’t be deceived by advertising or online nutrition crazes. Here’s 7 of the worst foods and drinks sold in the name of health:

1. Sports Drinks

Quenchers like Gatorade claim to boost athletic performance and rebuild your electrolytes after a tough workout. However, most of us don’t need the extra electrolyte blast (the average person’s level of exercise doesn’t affect our levels that much) and sports drinks typically contain an insane amount of sugar or chemical sugar substitutes.

When you’re thirsty or need to rehydrate after your workout, just go with good old H20!

Row of Gatorade bottles on store shelf

With a typical sports drink, you’re getting unnecessary electrolytes and tons of extra sugar.

2. Fruit Juices

What could be wrong with a classic glass of OJ, you ask? Unfortunately, almost all commercially sold fruit juice is made from concentrate, with almost no real fruit and nearly as much sugar as a soda.

Even fresh squeezed juice contains shockingly high levels of sugar, with almost zero fiber content to balance it out. It’s far more nutritious to just eat whole fruit instead.

3. Whole Wheat

While it’s true that a slice of whole wheat bread makes a healthier sandwich than highly processed white breads, the reality is that consuming wheat in any form may be detrimental to your health.

Wheat contains gluten, which experts believe blocks up your digestive system and can lead to a host of health problems over time. Regular wheat consumption may raise cholesterol and lower your Vitamin D count.

4. “Healthy” Breakfast Cereals

Spoonful of cereal against blue background

Not worth the crunch: healthy cereals aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

Don’t be fooled by that calorie count or the cute heart-healthy icon on the package. Almost all cereals have extra sugar added as well as a ton of refined carbohydrates.

The added vitamins won’t prevent a glucose crash or subsequent cravings for a second bowl.

5. Low-Fat Foods

Although the “low-fat” label sounds healthier, most manufacturers are actually just substituting saturated fats for sugar and chemicals — and studies have shown that saturated fats are less harmful over time when compared to artificial ingredients and sugars.

If you’re trying to lose weight, it may be healthier to skip the low-fat version and just eat regular foods in smaller portions.

6. Vegetable Oils

Just because they have “vegetable” in the name doesn’t mean they’re better for you. Many of these oils, including anything from seeds, are chock full of trans fats and are highly processed, producing a cooking ingredient that does terrible things to the body.

Consumption can lead to increased heart disease risks and a dangerous excess of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Oil being poured into a dish

From sesame to grapeseed, processed oil is awful for the body.

7. Agave Nectar (Sugar Substitute)

This is a popular sweetener for the health-conscious organic set, but don’t be sucked in by the hype. Although agave nectar has a lower glucose count than sugar, the fructose content in agave is way off the charts.

Metabolizing such high amounts of fructose can lead to serious liver problems. If really can’t go without some sweetness, a moderate sprinkling of sugar in the raw is a far better alternative.

When in Doubt, Purify Your Diet

Since there are so many conflicting messages out there, we understand that it’s tough to keep track of what healthy foods are actually healthy for you.

Try to ignore the health hype and just remember some cardinal rules: eat fresh and organic, eat more raw fruits and veggies, and cook for yourself as much as possible. No processed food means a happy body!

So have you ever discovered your favorite “health” food wasn’t so healthy? Have any items to add to this list? Tell us in the comments.


See Also

Fake Diet Pills Costing More Than Weight Loss
Spring Back into Shape with the Best Way to Lose Weight
The Juice Fast Myth: How a Liquid Cleanse Diet Can Actually Harm Your Health

About The Author

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9 Responses

  1. harry montana

    I think there is too much processed food and people buy it because they don’t know or have no time for real natural food, like our grandparents used to cook. Anyhow, if you want to go back to the basics you may want to upgrade your daily diet with sesame or even better with chia seeds



  2. type 2 diabetic

    I have learnt a lot since I was told I am a type 2 diabetic and for me the biggest disappointment was breakfast cereals I like, corn flakes and weetbix to be particular, the large packets contain up to 3/4 of a cup of sugar and 1/2 a cup of salt and they sell them as ‘healthy’.

    there are some cereals I have found on the supermarket shelves that are healthier, and that is because they only have one ingredient on the panel, rolled oats is at the top of this list BUT check the ingredients panel, they do add poisons to them sometimes.

  3. Larry Bell

    sinse i havnt heard anything about my case in a wk from tou do not charge my creidit card again LARRY T BELL

    • Miranda Perry

      Hi Larry, thanks for your comment. The Scambook Blog does not process complaints or have access to any credit card information. To find out about the status of your complaint, please log into your Scambook Dashboard or contact Scambook customer support by emailing [email protected] or calling 1-877-966-2278.

  4. Kirk

    “Wheat contains gluten, which experts believe blocks up your digestive system and can lead to a host of health problems over time.” Leah implies that ALL people will be affected by gluten; that is clearly false & misleading. Many people do have gluten intolerance and aren’t aware of it, but it is still a small minority who actually have celiac disease.

  5. Paul

    Thanks for this, esp. about the agave nectar issue, which I was totally unaware of!

  6. takia

    You can’t have “too many” omega-3s. Are you serious right now? Do you even know what you’re talking about?


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