prestige security
Complaint 305230 Details

  • Date Occurred: 02/05/2014
  • Reported Damages: $80.00
  • Location: 13e between 5th and madison ave manhattan ny

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I found this ad on craiglist. They will ask you for $75. Dont pay anything if any company ask you to pay that amount before for background check.
Ad of this company on craiglist
Established security firm currently seeking applicants for customer service duties that involves meeting and greeting guests, issuing visitation passes, light data entry, answering phones, multi-tasking in reception area, etc. Bilingual A+, must be 18+ with clean background and able pass drug screening. Excellent pay up to $23 per hour, based on experience and education. 3 months customer service or security experience preferred, will train if accepted, both Fulltime & Parttime available. Contact operations manager 917 889-0658 or summit resume via email for interview.

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Business Profile Summary

  • prestige security logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against prestige security
  • Complaints Filed: 1
  • Reported Damages: $80.00
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