Cash Advance USA
Complaint 166256 Details

  • Date Occurred: 10/11/2014
  • Reported Damages: $5,840.00
  • Location: California

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I received a call today and yesterday from (919)912-9535, Bob Collins (Indian accent) saying I was going to be arrested in 2 hours at my home and/or job for financial fraud, for a $5,840.00 loan I took out with Cash Advance USA. Bob says he's from the "Financial Crime Investigation Bureau" and that me and my attorney needs to call him now. Also, last week a Jason Wayne (Indian accent) called also (786)752-3755 explaining this same loan from Cash Advance USA. Accusing me of taking the money and running. They have my SS#, where I work and my bank account information.

  • Seeking Resolution: Other
  • Have these people tracked down and STOP harrassing me.

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  • Nicol614
  • Nicol614 SBID #77a43357dc
  • Posted 10/11/2014
  • The same thing happened to me. I have no idea what they are talking. I'm very upset that they even have my info. I'm thinking about getting a lawyer and suing them for harassment. They called my house 5 times today.
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  • got_scammed72
  • got_scammed72 SBID #4944a6dc98
  • Posted 10/15/2014
  • I also received a call this morning stating his name was Jake (not American) and he was with the State Attorney General's office and it was the criminal division. I laughed at him because I NEVER borrowed any money and NEVER even heard of them. They called me from (760)483-3761. BEWARE!!!!
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Business Profile Summary

  • Cash Advance USA logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Cash Advance USA
  • Complaints Filed: 231
  • Reported Damages: $490,022.07
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