Travel Deals -Robyn Bernstein -Marlton New Jersey
Complaint 70856 Details

  • Date Occurred: 02/06/2013
  • Reported Damages: $600.00

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

my husband and i went to a seminar in jersey,for a "free" cruise and air fare to the bahamas. the presentation fooled us-we don't travel much and have very limited income.the free stuff cost us 600 in port costs to three islands ( their deal,they insisted) and taxes for air, when we started callin to book it in 6/11 we got voice mail for 6 days,then disconnected.the office was closed .i called trenton authorities and spoke with them several times ,but was told i probably would never recover our hard earned money-both of us are on unemployment and this was our " wedding ;honeymoon " savings

i didn't even want to-but my kids from first marriage kicked in some money to make us have a marriage; we all got screwed-i wanna repay them.if you guys can do what you say????help us please.Mr. and Mrs. Millan (Personal Info Removed) or (Personal Info Removed) (Personal Info Removed)

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  • Travel Deals logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Travel Deals
  • Complaints Filed: 8
  • Reported Damages: $17,494.20
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