Complaint 370011 Details

  • Date Occurred: 12/17/2019
  • Reported Damages: $80.00
  • Location: china
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

    • DHGate Complaint / User Submitted Image #370011
    • DHGate Complaint / User Submitted Image #370011

I placed an order in DECEMBER 2019 and no tracking or communication from the seller who is (hihir1219) I ordered 2 handbags which were NEVER to be seen, Seller does NOT exist on the site, DHGATE have totally ignored me to date 19/02/20...
Sellers open and close shops on DHGATE as did this seller who is a scammer..
DHGATE did say I would get a refund by 17th of February and nothing has been done plus still waiting, They hold on to your money hoping you will not bother, I had a message on Facebook saying I would get a refund saying "The shipping deadline of your order is February 17th, so please wait for that and if the seller failed to ship the order, then refund will be processed". This is by staff at DHGATE.COM, Since this I have been ignored by customer service at DHGATE , Which is a disgrace as they keep putting the shipping date forward ... NOW TO MARCH.. FROM DECEMBER!!
I checked and you guessed right shipping has moved again to MARCH!! SELLER DOES NOT EXIST!!! HIHIR1219 CLOSED HIS SHOP on DHGATE .COM and this company thinks this is acceptable!! SELLERS DO NOT HOLD YOUR FUNDS .. DHGATE holds the funds... and pushes dates forward for shipping!!
There will be NO shipping from this seller as he does NOT EXIST!!
DIANE WANG is the CEO of this scam company and that is why she is a MILLIONAIRE!! She scams you!! Along with her scam staff..

TRADING SDANDARDS WILL BE NOTIFIED ABOUT THIS COMPANY.. I had to put 1 star to allow this on here , BUT you deserve NO STAR RATING.

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  • DHGate logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against DHGate
  • Complaints Filed: 61
  • Reported Damages: $22,094.49
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