Complaint 361206 Details
- Date Occurred: 05/16/2017
- Reported Damages: $79.95
- Location: India/ 41 Madison Ave., 31st floor, NY, NY, 10010
The complaint is against an online dating profile
The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity
The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity
The company or person contact no longer exists
International boundaries
After receiving 2 emails from supposedly Microsoft ( note* I have contacted Microsoft after my incident. They seemed unfazed and didn't really care, they provide no numbers to get real people, and after HOURS, the cust service person didn't want to be bothered. Really?....they are supposedly YOUR EMAILS that spurred me to act??) I decided to act, at a late hour I googled them. The first company listed was I didn't even realize this- they are listed as 24/7 Microsoft Support-Contact US, etc. So I clicked, and in haste called the number. I got a man with a very heavy Indian accent. He talked very fast, and said we are Microsoft's Tech Support, all they use is a 3rd party ( we all know every business is going this route ). So I believed him, foolishly. He never mentioned a price upfront, never. Again I am thinking Microsoft emailed me, and they must provide this free of charge. He said he needed to remotely control my PC. I have Norton, and I don't like them doing it, I am very private. He goes in does his thing, scans, etc....He says, "Look you got over 3,0002 malware tracking cookies, and it showed that (sure this was not true, I am emphatic about malware/spyware and run Norton every week, many times. He finishes and says I owe him $79.95. I was livid, but very tired, and had words with him. Before he accessed my PC, I told him how rude he was, and who the h*ll you think your talking to?. Oh yes, I forgot one detail- he ran the scans, stopped and gave the phone to another guy to get rid of the supposed content. Now back to the finish. I begrudgingly paid him, and told him, this was time scan in America- $79.95, he had a year for like 2/3 hundred dollars. Next day was when I spent hours trying to contact MSoft (look above for that ordeal). They said, file a complaint w/ the Attorney Gen.'s office. I actually clicked MSofts link from the emails, and it brought me to a MSoft page- I cannot really remember having any recent accounts w/ them, but it took me an hour to prove I was me, and get in to an account that showed fraudulent activity. So I did what the page was ridiculous..... Back to the next day. Vibhu Bhardwaj- from called me. I told him I googled his company, and the complaints/lawsuits were a lot. He said I can give you your money back. I said I would contact him later. I called Norton, they did a through scan, said showed no suspicious programs, but it's still only days after. These guys got my Debit card number. I got an email from them before I could call them to get refunded. I filed a complaint w/ MSoft, so if they contacted, Myphonesupport, I don't know. I will believe it when I see it. I also called my bank, but I cannot cancel my card yet because I didn't have time to get needed cash. Praying this nightmare is over. I believe Microsoft is partly responsible for this. 1. It says on their site "Microsoft Partner in bold italics. MSoft said they can't find them?? they are a lying million dollar conglomerate that does not care. I put MPS address on this complaint, so how hard are they looking?....What have they done?
- Michael SBID #05bdd1fdb2
- Posted 05/19/2017
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against
- Complaints Filed: 18
- Reported Damages: $2,694.65
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