YouFit Health Clubs
Complaint 348820 Details

  • Date Occurred: 07/01/2015
  • Reported Damages: $100.00
  • Location: federal highway pompano beach florida 33060

The complaint is against an online dating profile

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The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

The you fit in Pompano Florida went through the entire summer without air conditioning in the exercise class room. We complained often and diplomatically, wrote emails, made phone calls even contacted the owners and the landlords(wouldn't pick up) We got their names from the business license. Each month they just added a fan. they said that the part was on order. They went around and around in circles. we contacted every employee and they all blamed someone else. it was blazing in there. the only reason we kept going was the teacher was so awesome and we thought she would lose her job if there were no attendees. one woman started to pass out. many walked out. I went away for a month thinking it would surely be repaired after a month what a joke. I contacted corp to cancel and they tried the $25 cancellation fee. I had been over a year so that was bunk. I called the city of pompano business regulation inspectors. I work in facilities and with ac no part takes that long! no courtesy or kindness just a run around. shame on you fit. should I go into the exercise room floor? during floor exercises there are hair balls rolling toward you and you have to exhale hard to blow them away. I wore new tan sketchers while doing a plank and when I got up the tops of them were dark black. you could see all of these sweat drops that had dried. as a group we would go to the front desk and ask them to clean and they would promise. I planted a brown piece of grass and 6 weeks later after asking 5 days a week for them to clean it was still there moving around the room. they take your money and treat you like a step child.

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  • YouFit Health Clubs logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against YouFit Health Clubs
  • Complaints Filed: 15
  • Reported Damages: $2,230.80
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