Vince Mcdonald
Complaint 334599 Details
- Date Occurred: 07/07/2014
- Reported Damages: $750,000.00
- Location: Gold Coast and vanuatu
The complaint is against an online dating profile
The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity
The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity
The company or person contact no longer exists
International boundaries
So Vince Mcdonald is still not in gaol and is still proclaiming his innocence in the massive scam he and Mick Featherstone perpetrated.
Disgraceful behaviour - make your money running scams and cons.
Should be in gaol not walking free.
Ask him why he consorts with known criminals.
Ask him why his company ran out of featherstones office.
Ask him why a major shareholder worked out of Featherstones office.
PIGL is a disgraceful company and Mcdonald uses threats and intimidation to keep his vicitms quiet.
YOU ARE A PIG - McDonald - living the high life on scammed money.
Enough evidence to convict you and your criminal mates.
Hope you make your family proud you lump of sh**.
Anymore threats COWARD
- Gary SBID #28c2fd8394
- Posted 12/22/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Vince Mcdonald
- Complaints Filed: 3
- Reported Damages: $13,250,000.00
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