Songbird Prairie Inn, Spa and Boutique
Complaint 322230 Details

  • Date Occurred: 03/20/2014
  • Reported Damages: $99.00
  • Location: Indiana
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After checking in and we settle down in a room that is facing the yard, the room is not too big or small quite okay for me and my fiancée. We were so tried from long-road trip and decided to charge ourselves in this Inn but we were wrong about it. By the time of the midnight, I feel something is bugging me to wake up. My right underarm was so itchy and red, so I turned on the light to find out what was bothering me, it turned out the bed has "BED BUGS!!". I was surprised how I could fall asleep on that bed, I woke my fiancée up and he said he feel the same too on his legs. Next morning, we complained about it to the reception but no apology was taken and told that it might be mosquitoes since the room is nearby the yard. It was not a nice experience at all, I am not coming back to this place. Maybe never again!!
Barbara Rivera

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  • Songbird Prairie Inn, Spa and Boutique logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Songbird Prairie Inn, Spa and Boutique
  • Complaints Filed: 7
  • Reported Damages: $2,903.00
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