Coast Dental, AKA Smile Care
Complaint 223948 Details

  • Date Occurred: 03/10/2013
  • Reported Damages: $2,200.00
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International boundaries

I went to "smile Carfe" on December 10,2010. I asked them to take X-rays of an opened bridge, which is on the upper left tooth. they did X-rays of whole mouth, fix some teeth at the lower right side, did surgery on the Inner side of that bridge, but did not fix the "Out side' where food gets in all day long of that "Bridge"!!! They claimed that i owed about $600 dollars, because Coast Dental took over "Smile Care" amd claimed that I was not billed for some work. but that part as been taken care of, I don't owe. I took them to Small Claims Court about this situation and they agreed that I don't owe anything, but I sent a letter to a Ms. Tracy Zepeda that represented Coast Dental in court, but she won't answered the phone. (714-708-5303) I want Coast Dental to fix my tooth ASAP for "Free" or to meet me Half way on the price to get my tooth fixed. Or maybe we shall go back to "Small Claims" Please advise.
Rita A. (Personal Information Removed)
E-mail: (Personal Information Removed)
(Personal Information Removed)

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Business Profile Summary

  • Coast Dental logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Coast Dental
  • Complaints Filed: 5
  • Reported Damages: $7,110.48
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