Complaint 169424 Details

  • Date Occurred: 09/11/2014
  • Reported Damages: $44.93
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I paid $15 for 2-5 day delivery. Only after purchase was I informed of a 7-10 day processing period. The tracking service did not work and could not be translated into english. It arrived an entire month later.
When the shirt eventually arrived I was met with extreme disappointment as not only did the shirt not fit, it was not as pictured. Yes, it was the correct shirt, but the pictures on the website do not accurately show what the shirt looks like. The rivets are sewn on loosely, the batwings are cuffed with a mere 5.5" opening for the wrist, the neckline is circle like a tight fitting tshirt and the length is only 50cm, when described as 63. 13cm doesn't sound like much, but bare in mind that 50cm is only 19.6 inches; being large chested (48.5"inches, 34HH) and with a short torso, the shirt didn't so much as cover my navel. The picture shows the shirt well below hip line, almost mid thigh. The website didn't dictate how long the shirt was until I complained.
The stitching had already unravelled on the sleeve by the time it arrived.
I contacted customer service "--Please leave your questions as soon as possible, we will give you the letter by standing in reply. ". that should have been a huge warning that I wasn't going to get very far. That, or that they spell "want to" as "wanner" or "please" as "pls".
I was told to send pictures of the shirt to verify my claim. I sent 2 pictures, one including a tape measure. I was told that they have viewed my pictures and that I could use a tape measure to test the length of the shirt. The only thing they saw wrong with my claim was that the shirt appeared to be a different color than described. I strongly doubt they looked at the pictures.
After much back and forth where I told them everything wrong with my order, including that I noticed they'd removed the tag before forwarding it to me, I was told that I could only recieve a 60% refund, and that I'd have to pay for the return of the shirt. OR that I could send the shirt to someone else and pay sheinside a further $20 to reinburse them before they sent me a replacement size (without refund.).
I was also told that "one size" means they only stock one size of the product. It doesn't mean "one size fits all up to this measurement". I was bluntly told it was my fault that I was unhappy with the shirt.

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  • Reported Damages: $247.84
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