Federal Government
Complaint 115924 Details

  • Date Occurred: 04/23/2014
  • Reported Damages: $720.00
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I was called on the phone and I was told that I qualified for a federal grant since I was not employed. I was told to go to Western Union and call this person and they would tell me how to send the money of $260.00 to them in order to get the grant of $7500.00. They told me I would get my $250.00 back along with the $7500.00. I did that and then I was called back by another person stating that since I live in Iowa and it is not a tax free state that I had to pay the taxes on the money. I went and sent them $460.00 and they again stated I would get my money back and the total amount I would receive would be $8200.00. It was to be deposited in my account in 20 minutes. 20 minutes later there was nothing. I called them back and they told me I had to contact the manager of the Federal Reserve bank. I did that and I was told that since the amount was over $8000.00 I had to send $850.00 to him in order for him to release the payment. I finally realized it was a scam and I called Western Union and filed a complaint, also the attorney general in the state of Iowa, the local police department and the FBI. A week later a man called my husband and told him he was granted a federal grant that did not have to be paid back. I called the authories again and filed another report. Watch out for people who state they are with the federal government as it is a fraud!!!!!! We are probably out the money and we are still trying to recover from this fraud. Pretty sad when people do this to others. We do not even have a home phone. We only have cell numbers. Watch out!

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  • Federal Government logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Federal Government
  • Complaints Filed: 1
  • Reported Damages: $720.00
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