EHS - Exhibitors Housing Services
Complaint 340150 Details

  • Date Occurred: 03/04/2015
  • Reported Damages: $165.00
  • Location: Hawthorne, CA
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

February 23rd 2015: I made a reservation at the Green Valley Ranch for April 26-29th for $150 per night and a $15 resort fee.

March 4th 2015: EHS Housing called me stating that they represented they are a vendor working with the conference for which I was going to Vegas and Green Valley resort and they could get me a rate of $139 per night. They also said they would just apply that rate to my current reservation. So I agreed to have a cheaper rate applied.

At this time they charged my AMEX $165.

March 10th 2015: After receiving a communication from the conference and now seeing the charge on my card from EHS I became concerned and asked the Director of the event if they are using EHS as a vendor. The Director replied “No” they are not using EHS and that he is immediately alerting other attendees of the scam. He also sent a screenshot of the page that shows EHS to be a scam operator.

Later another employee from the conference replied that there are two reservations under my name and that the Hotel does not work with EHS. This removed all doubt that I was being scammed, that EHS didn’t apply the rate to my current reservation and that they had no connection to the hotel.

I then tried to reach EHS without success.

March 27, 2015: Another charge from EHS in the amount of $327.06 hit my AMEX. A charge I managed to get removed from my card leaving me with the original $165 charge.

April 9, 2015: After having their charges blocked Lilly Cooper from EHS reached out to me to ask me to remove the block. And told her no and that EHS misrepresented themselves. They didn’t work with the conference. They don’t work with Green Valley. They didn’t give me a discount because the while the rate dropped to $139 the resort fee raised to $25. The call ended with Lilly saying EHS will fight this. She was aggressive, rude and clearly operating on some sort of commission basis with Customer Satisfaction not even the remotest concern for her.

EHS is a scam operation that misrepresented themselves to me, and the evidence suggests many others.

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  • EHS - Exhibitors Housing Services logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against EHS - Exhibitors Housing Services
  • Complaints Filed: 49
  • Reported Damages: $41,163.64
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