Complaint 349975 Details

  • Date Occurred: 06/12/2016
  • Reported Damages: $23.00
  • Location: internet?
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I purchased 100m rs3.
The website says delivery within 10 minutes...
I purchased the gold and waited in-game for a private message...
I went to their website and connected to the live chat.
The woman asked me to send an email from the email address i used saying my RSN, Level and "Server". Clearly they have no clue.
I did this and the woman said we have to wait 24 hours for paypal to confirm the purchase.

I come back 24 hours later and the guy says i have to pay through Western Union instead. He says he will give me a refund after i have payed a second time through Western Union???!?

I payed last night successfully and watched the money vanish from my account via online banking. This guy is asking me to pay a second time trusting him that he will refund me for the first payment?

I have screen captured the whole chats and plan to do something about this.

i didn't use a paypal account though so i don't know how i will refund this :/

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Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against TheRSGold
  • Complaints Filed: 20
  • Reported Damages: $1,579.49
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