MoneyBookers London
Complaint 340147 Details

  • Date Occurred: 05/24/2015
  • Reported Damages: $1,952.00
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I just feel the need to share my experience with skrill with everyone here so no one goes through the terrible experience I'm going through. I'm a skrill account holder with customer ID (ID: 45779351). On sunday 24th May 2015 I received a message from skrill that my account has been temporarily suspended and that I should send them a copy of my passport. utility bill which I did and also the letter attached to my new debitcard which was sent to me a week ago to verify my address. I sent these on monday 25th I didn't hear from them again until I called them after 4 days, a lady told me they need more verification so I should send them copies of my business documents and url which I did, I was told they will escalate it so the security department will release my account and up till now no word. Skrill please tell the whole world what wrong I have done, all my friends that I received and sent money to have their accounts intact so why me, I was told there was no case against me and that it was just a random verification but it's been a week now. I have bills to pay and need to book my flight and pay my accommodation for summer school. I just hope no goes through this terrible experience ever. A closer look at their facebook shows you how reviews are disabled and also posts from customers. Anyone using skrill should know that they can lose their funds anytime without any wrongdoing so be careful when using the service because they don't care about their customers at all. I have customer service reps hanging up on me several times because they say I can only call once a day and that there's nothing more they can do about my situation. Read about all their negative reviews below. I will come up with an online petition so that companies discontinue using their service.

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  • MoneyBookers London logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against MoneyBookers London
  • Complaints Filed: 105
  • Reported Damages: $28,886.00
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