[email protected]
Complaint 284352 Details

  • Date Occurred: 11/01/2013
  • Reported Damages: $170.00
  • Location: USA
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I am in the UK and received an email about this product offering a free trial. I took up the free trial and opted for a second bottle for $60 with free shipping and have since had £170 taken from my account. I have tried emailing them but they get returned, the sales girls couldn't explain to me what the amount was for and I would like my money back and to stop other people being as gullible as me!!

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  • Gav
  • Gav SBID #3ebc0bcd49
  • Posted 11/11/2013
  • Contact your bank IMEDIATELY and cancel your credit/debit card before these scammers help themselves to more of your money. This is the only way to stop these scammers from doing more unauthorised transactions. File a notification of disputed transaction with your bank so their fraud division can investigate the charges and hopefully reverse them before they are processed.
    Don't trust them to sort anything over the phone or email, they are just trying to keep you waiting in hope for a refund or resolution so they can access your account again and steal more money.
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