Administrative Assistance US Postal Service Employment
Complaint 28191 Details

  • Date Occurred: 10/20/2013
  • Reported Damages: $100.00
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    • Administrative Assistance US Postal Service Employment Complaint / User Submitted Image #28191

I was online at and came across a USPS Windows Clerk position. On the job description it said to call 1-877-856-6358 for information on how to apply and for exam preparation information. I knew there was a battery exam for the USPS and figured this was legitimate. They went through a series of questions to make sure I could work in the US and then said that they would send confirmation emails. I received one this morning that had me answer YES or NO to 10 questions and then give my e-signature to verify payment. Before doing this I viewed their website and they seemed legitimate; after reading some things that people wrote about these I realized it was probably a scam as I can buy the preparation book for $14.99 to $29.00. They have this "disclosure" about refunds and I think it'll be a hassle to get my money back.

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  • Administrative Assistance US Postal Service Employment logo

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  • Complaint Against Administrative Assistance US Postal Service Employment
  • Complaints Filed: 3
  • Reported Damages: $300.00
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