T.C. GreatMart, Inc.
Complaint 191665 Details

  • Date Occurred: 11/30/2014
  • Reported Damages: $1,783.20
  • Location: 730 Third ave NewYork,NewYork 10017

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

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    • T.C. GreatMart, Inc. Complaint / User Submitted Image #191665
    • T.C. GreatMart, Inc. Complaint / User Submitted Image #191665
    • T.C. GreatMart, Inc. Complaint / User Submitted Image #191665
    • T.C. GreatMart, Inc. Complaint / User Submitted Image #191665

On 11-30-2012 i recived letter and a check for $1,783.20 The letter said i have been selected to participate in a paid shopper program. i was told to go online to activate the check after entering a job id # and password i entered the check activation # and was told to cash the check and let it remain in my account until it clear my bank i cash it on a friday and the money was cleared by tuesday dec.4th so i followed the instructions to the T it asked me to send two money grams to madrid spain in the amount of $712.00 to Blair Foulk my last name and one for $580.00 to mitch Foulk also my last name and then to spend $50.00 at walmart and report on the people at walmart who helped me. i did all that then went home and reported all of it to the tc greatmart web site and faxed the receiepts to there fax number finising my assignment.Then on 12-14-12 i got a letter from my bank telling me the check did not clear t c greatmarts bank and deducted it from my account. they inform me the check was a fraud and that i was scamed.please help me get my money back. Please call me asap scambook and thank you for your help!

  • Seeking Resolution: I'm Looking for a Refund
  • Refund Amount: $ 1,783.20

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  • T.C. GreatMart, Inc. logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against T.C. GreatMart, Inc.
  • Complaints Filed: 13
  • Reported Damages: $19,619.76
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