Company Details
- Summary
Information about was first submitted to Scambook on Aug 31, 2013. Since then the page has accumulated 240 consumer complaints. On average users reported $168.11 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 3 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Mar 25, 2013.
Company Information
- Address:
- P.O. Box 20989
- West Palm Beach FL 33416-0989
- Website:
- Phone:(800) 485-4350, (561) 686-1165, (888) 766-7542
- Email:
- Additional Employees:
- Christopher Ruddy CEO
- Darryle Burnham CFO
- Brian Todd COO
- Nancy Harrington Vice President Sales & Marketing
- Mike Reynolds Customer Service Manager
- Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion
- This Company Page started on August 31st, 2013.
- Is This Your Business?
Company Rating
Company Statistics
Complaints Unresolved
- Unresolved Reported Damage $40,346.40
Thank you for submitting information suggestions.
We will review your suggestions and update the company profile if necessary.
Recent Complaints
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 03/02/2016
- SBID # e74814ccc5
- GJ
- Posted On: 09/02/2015
- SBID # a53edf38d3
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 02/24/2015
- SBID # 6df488cba7
- Srecko
- Posted On: 02/22/2015
- SBID # 60cb029c2b
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 12/22/2014
- SBID # 3c774492ab
- fiajoel
- Posted On: 12/19/2014
- SBID # 051fef307c
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