Company Details

Catalyst Coaching

  • Catalyst Coaching logo
  • Catalyst Coaching Summary

    Catalyst Coaching Details provided within this company profile are for the company Catalyst Coaching Inc. and NOT Catalyst Coaching Institute.

    To preserve the integrity of their business, the company Catalyst Coaching Institute contacted Scambook to clarify any possible confusion of the aforementioned business names stating " We have NO association with the company listed (Catalyst Coaching Inc).
    on .

    Information about Catalyst Coaching was first submitted to Scambook on Oct 12, 2014. Since then the page has accumulated 10 consumer complaints. On average users reported $10431.70 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 15 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Apr 20, 2016.

  • Company Information

  • Address:
    • 1192 Draper Pkway
    • Draper UT 84020
  • Website:
  • Phone:(855) 236 9165
  • Additional Employees:
    • Jake Eldredge Admin
    • Chris Cawdery Admin
  • Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion

Company Rating

Company Statistics

  • Complaints Unresolved
  • Unresolved Reported Damage $104,317.03
  • Resolutions to Date 3

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Recent Comments From Company Reports ▼

  • Catalyst Coaching Complaint 190070 for $12,000.00
  • Michael
  • Michael SBID #3af80b7d0f
  • Posted 04/17/2013
  • My wife and I have too been scammed by these guys sweet talking us for just over $5500. We did get the LLC for NC state and although I think the initial amount of $1500 was way too much I did pay and not really complaining about that. I am however complaining about Catalyst Coaching and Focuslc as I have just received an email stating that my subscription failed to go though for what I thought was completely covered when I paid the initial $5500 or so. Luckily the credit card they had on file had been compromised a month back and so they have no way of charging anything additional. I have called their billing department, spoke with a Tiffany and asked if I could have this so called contract I signed stating how much I agreed to and for how long. She has since avoided most of my calls and emails and today I just received a call back. The first go around she emailed me but forgot to send the attachment. Second round I got the same email but with an attachment with a generic "Terms of Service Agreement" dated 2009. I called back and asked her where on this is my name and where does it say how much. She went around in circles reading what is said on the terms of service but I still do not have anything in writing saying I agreed to anything monthly which I would not have willingly signed for after paying out over $5500. I am looking to sue these guys for every penny but think it would be great if we can all get together and do this. I think if more people bring up a lawsuit, they will be forced to settle probably out of court. Please let me know if anyone is having any thoughts of any lawsuits.
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