We get thousands of complaints about websites that look legit, but when people order products on them, they either never receive what they ordered or they receive the wrong item with no way to return it or get a refund.

We’ve combed through the data and offer you the latest top 3 retail/shopping websites that seem to be a scam, as reported by our users and through our investigations.

1. Melanirand
Here is a list of websites that seem to be associated or connected to ‘Melanirand’ in some way:

2. Shipping Address Wang Gang NO 16.253
Users report that they have ordered products from the following websites and receive something completely unrelated to what they ordered, shipped from the above address:

Users report they received either an email or text message advertising a FLASH SALE for designer pocketbooks and bags. After ordering the products, they never received the products they paid for. This website seems to be down now.

About The Author

Scambook is an online complaint resolution platform dedicated to obtaining justice for victims of fraud with unprecedented speed and accuracy. By building communities and providing resources on the latest scams, Scambook arms consumers with the up-to-date information they need to stay on top of emerging schemes. Since its inception, Scambook has resolved over $10 million in reported consumer damages.

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