We all try our best to budget our money. Saving cash and limiting extra spending is important for our financial security, but it’s often difficult to maintain a personal budget. Unfortunately, many budgets fail due to common misconceptions about spending and saving money.

Here are four common reasons why your personal budget might be failing. If you’ve having trouble sticking to the guidelines you’ve set for your spending and saving, one of these explanations might be the answer. But by analyzing the flaws in your budget, you can begin taking steps to overcome them!


#1. All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy

Make sure that your budget gives you some room to have a little bit of fun here and there. Sure, when money is tight, it can feel like you’re not really in a position to spend money frivolously, but you’ll go stir-crazy if you don’t set aside some cash to do what you love.

This doesn’t mean that self-control goes out the window, but having fun is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. When you don’t leave room for entertainment or relaxation, it’s easy to become discouraged and give up on your budget.

#2. Not Every Expense Is Recurring

Most consumers build their budgets around recurring expenses like rent, utilities and insurance. However, it’s vital to leave room in your personal budget for non-recurring costs like car repairs, medical bills or home improvement costs.

Account for this type of expense and make sure you’re consistently setting money aside so that you can take care of them when they arise.


#3. Your Expectations Are Too High!

Often, we create our personal finances and then ignore them when we can’t adhere to every budget perfectly.

It’s easy to get frustrated that you didn’t hit your budget right when you made it, but stick with the process.

You might need to adjust your budget for five or six months before it can accurately reflect the way that you live, the money you spend, and the money you have coming in.


#4. Your Tools Are Hurting You

There are many ways to keep track of your budget, but the wrong tracking tool can hurt your efforts. It’s important to find a way to measure your budget that works for you. This might be a digital service like Mint.com, a smartphone app, or simply a pen and paper.

Whatever you wind up choosing, make sure your methods suit you so that you don’t drop your budget right after creating it.


Share Your Budgetary Wisdom!

Do you have any tips for saving your money? Let us know in the comments!


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