Complaint 345465 Details

  • Date Occurred: 12/07/2015
  • Reported Damages: $4.00

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I could not submit my report on time due to a STATE WIDE system failure with Frontier internet provider
and informed said company of such and got really lame email from admin stating it is not their policy to pay for late submissions. If they were as ambitious as they promote themselves to be, they would have taken the time to research the issue. Instead whoever was in charge of the brain that day most likely chose to pocket the money. My work is quality and if they would like it to continue to be so they should take consideration; on 12/20/15, my report was approximately one half hour late due to their system errors; and again I get docked! This time $2.00 for a late submission. (again, system malfunction) If they are truly as reputable as they say, they would have back up submission options in place (i.e. automated phone backup to submit reports) However, not the most advanced company in technology or employee relations. In addition their reports are tedious and redundant and do not pay nearly enough for the time required to input them. Really, how many words can one use to describe if the service department rep (most likely a very busy mechanic)
had a warm tone to his voice? (via phone call)

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  • Complaints Filed: 33
  • Reported Damages: $633,118.00
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